Motivational Tee Shirt
Practice loke you've never won perform shirt
When others quit keep on going shirt
Dreams don't work unless you do Gift T Shirt
Train eat sleep repeat shirt
Just when the caterpillar thought the worlds was ending Butterfly Shirt
Trust because you are willing to accept the risk not because it's safe Shirt
As we look ahead into the next century leaders, who empower others shirt
No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist Shirt
Blessed are those who can give without remembering Shirt
Ignore the noise and follow your own choice Shirt
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated Day In Shirt
I find that the hearder i work the more luck i seem to have Shirt
Be yourself everyone else is already taken shirt
Go to hell oh honey where do you think i came from Shirt
Shut up and squat no excuses Shirt
Work for a cause not applause Shirt
Eat sleep train repeat shirt
Don't wish for it, work for it Gift T Shirt
Luxury T-Shirt
Trash queen shirt